Thursday, May 17, 2007

Stir up ur lives.

I kept drinking my tea sweet-less all through, and realized only at the end that sugar was there at the bottom; All I needed was to stir a little to make my tea sweet.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Life signals you so often..

Life signals us so often and we ignore the signals. Sunil told me this story about his friend once. One evening his friend called him up and told him that hes feeling a bit depressed and wanted to talk to him. Sunil was a bit busy. So he thought he would go there the next day. Next day when he reached there he was informed that his friend had committed suicide the last night. Sunil repents to this day having not gone to the friends place that night. We always fall into this trap of perpetual postponement. Life can be harsh at times. Before postponing something, think twice.
The most important things that I have learnt from the job (of course the hard way) are the following. I hereby spend some time in writing them down.

1. One should never fall into this perpetual mode of postponement. As far as possible complete whatever you can do in the day. A little stretch only makes us different people. Happiest people in the world are people who stretch. (physically also..i mean people who do Yoga).

2. The second most important thing I know is proper communication. How to report to your seniors and your co-workers at office has the greatest impact on the kind of work that we do. Try to inform everybody about everything. If you have doubts about what to report, take my advice just report everything. Your seniors might help you out if you report them in time.

3. The third most important thing is commitment. Stick to what you have committed. I have often felt that committing some thing is quite easy. However sticking to your commitment is difficult. Like we do, when we apply for examinations. We are pretty enthusiastic when we apply for exams. But when exams come, we are afraid and feel that the exam should be postponed. It takes courage to confront situations. So also meeting commitments requires courage.