Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The most wonderful way to be happy

If not anything else my recent foray into the “Art of Living Foundation” (which lays a great emphasis on happyness*) has forced me to find out what could be the best way to be happy. They say service without any doership is what makes us happy. I came across this beautiful story that emphasizes that.


This story appeared in Atanu Deys blog called Deesha. (http://www.deeshaa.org) Atanu Dey is an economist who returned from the US with an intention to improve the rural infrastructure in India. He presently is based in Kolkatta and his model of RISC (Rural Infrastructure and Services Common) is widely accepted by policy makers in India. His blog is a must read and so is the story I am refering to above.

Some photgraphs

I have a cunning plan

"I have a cunning plan. Why not make the New York giants our friends", said King Julian la Madagaskar.

So my plan is why not start a Das Family educational fund..wherein every employed person in the family will donate 1% of his yearly income to the fund. Then this fund can be utilised to buy computers for juniors in the family. Also travel of these youngsters can be arranged with this fund to different places. Travelling to different places at this younger age will make them empowered.